Luther Memorial Church is a welcoming, open and affirming congregation on Chicago’s North Side and a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. As a Reconciling in Christ congregation, we cherish the belief that all are loved children of God and recipients of God’s grace, no matter race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and beyond. We trust that Jesus had something prophetic to say about the social realities of this world and our lives which leads to growth and transformation. At LMC, we look to make connections between the Gospel Story and the Everyday Story. We search for the Holy in everyday life, serve our neighbors, and work for justice and healing.
Not all of us have an easy past (or any past) with the church. At LMC, we have folks who have easily called the ELCA home for generations and others who linger on the church margins unsure of where exactly where they stand. Some of us prefer the tradition and music of our organ-led 9:00 a.m. service, while others settle into our 11:00 a.m. progressive contemporary service. We offer live-streamed online services as well.
Through it all, we do our best to be authentic community, love one another committedly, and grow in our understanding of God. Through worship, relationship, questions, and service, LMC is place that strengthens God’s light in the world.